On 06 November 2022, the United Nations of the World gathered in Londistown, Krumaristan. Faced with the multiple crises threatening us as citizens, they discussed ways of putting the common into practice. We recognise the efforts of our governments, but now is the time for us to speak out. We are the ones concerned and we are the ones who must act! We don’t need any more rhetorical declarations that apply far from it. We want to take action to the centre of society and mobilise our collective intelligence. That’s the only way we’ll be able to develop solutions commensurate with the scale of the crises.
That’s why we founded Commune Constellations as an alternative to the COP. Here, citizens, not institutions, meet and deliberate together. Commune Constellations gives space to ideas of all kinds and democratises deliberation. Together, we can create a new world that meets the needs of all citizens.